Drone – UAS

From Port Tariff 2-A: (h)

Aircraft landing and take off No person shall land or take off in any aircraft (including without limitation helicopters, seaplanes, and ultralight vehicles) nor land or takeoff any model aircraft or civil unmanned aircraft system (UAS), as those terms are defined in Public Law 112-95, Sections 331 (9) and 336, and 14 CFR Part 107, in the Port Area (including water areas) without having obtained prior written permission from the Port’s Director of Maritime or designee…Obtaining approval and/or permits from other agencies (e.g. the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), U.S. Coast Guard, or other agency) is the sole responsibility of the owner/operator. No person shall operate a model aircraft or UAS in the Port Area in a careless or reckless manner that may endanger the life or property of another or allow an object to be dropped from a small UAS.